The day after we arrived to Florence, FUA held an orientation session for all USF study abroad students and it was followed by an architectural tour of Florence. It was early in the morning and like many my body was still adjusting to the new surroundings and time difference. I was in denial for a few days about being jet lagged, but it is a real condition. Besides the point, on our tour one of our stops was at the Florence cathedral formally known as the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore and nicknamed as the Duomo. 
 This gothic-renaissance cathedral was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and its construction was completed in 1436. Decked out in its white, green and pink exterior I walk pass this building (the main square) walking to class each day. This building truly exhibits true beauty and I’m in awe every time I see it.  My absolute favorite part about this place was being able to go to the top of the dome. You can see all of Florence from up there and the view is absolutely breathtaking. There’s an amazing to die for gelato place on the way to the Duomo called Grom off Via della Oche and I catch myself admiring the cathedral on my nightly walks. The cathedral is just as beautiful at night as it is during the evening.

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    May 2013

